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Public companies are required by federal securities laws to disclose material information to investors.  The information required to be disclosed is set forth in a complex set of rules prescribed by the SEC.


Form 10-K is a public company’s annual report that must be filed within a certain time following the end of the company’s fiscal year. In its Form 10-K, a company is required to include detailed information about its business and financial status from the past fiscal year, including audited financial statements, operating results, comparisons to the prior fiscal year, and details about its officers and directors.


Because of the comprehensive nature of annual reports on Form 10-K, preparing the reports is a monumental task. We assist our public company clients by coordinating filing plans with the company and all of its advisors participating in the 10-K process. These detailed plans include identifying information gathering and drafting responsibilities and deadlines aimed at fair disclosures made in a timely filing. Additionally, we work closely with the company and its other advisors (such as its independent accountants) to develop strategies in drafting the various items required to be included and to resolve issues that arise during the audit and drafting process.


More information about Form 10-K can be found on the SEC website here and a blank copy of the actual form and instructions can be found here. You can search for a public company’s SEC filings on the Edgar site.

Worth JarrelL is an Atlanta-based law firm committed to giving our clients sophisticated, professional, and impassioned representation to ensure success in their endeavors. Contact us today to schedule a meeting with one of our Attorneys.



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