Title VII prohibits employers from discriminating against their employees “because of” their race or color. That means that employers may not take your race or color, or your perceived race or color, into consideration in making employment decisions. Employers can use sophisticated practices to discriminate against its workforce by using certain IQ tests, using old arrest and/or conviction records in making hiring-related decisions, and using discriminatory hiring practices.
Race discrimination may not always involve official company practices, but rather involves harassment based on race by another employee or by a vendor who services the employer. If your employer condones the harassment, it can be liable for the actions of its employees.
Title VII prohibits retaliation against an employee who objects to racially biased practices or racially motivated workplace conduct. Put simply, it is illegal for an employer to subject you to adverse action for opposing an illegal practice in the workplace.
Worth Jarrell attorneys have experience handling racially motivated claims brought by potential, current and terminated employees. If you believe you have been subjected to either race discrimination or racial harassment in the workplace, you must file a Notice of charge of discrimination within 180 days of the last date of discrimination/harassment. Do not wait to act on your claims as they are time-sensitive. For more information on filing a claim click here.